Extended 5 Year Guarantee
Every Accurist Watch comes with a standard 2 year guarantee. This guarantee protects you against any defects in materials and workmanship but does not cover batteries, straps or bracelet, damage caused by accidents misuse or lack of care or water damage.
As part of the revitalisation of Accurist, we are now offering a FREE 5 year extended guarantee on all of our new products purchased after 05/09/2022. Please check our list of eligible watches here if your watch is not on this list then your watch is not eligible and the extended guarantee will not be honoured.

If you purchased a watch before 05/09/2022, or your watch is not on the list, you do not have to sign up for your guarantee. Your watch will be guaranteed for 2 years as standard but is not eligible for the extended guarantee.

As well as the standard 2 year guarantee, you can register your watch for an additional 3 years guarantee from date of purchase. If you wish to sign up for the extended 5 year guarantee, all you need to do is fill in this form and you will receive an email with your unique guarantee code for your watch.

IMPORTANT- Not covered by Guarantee

1. Batteries, straps and bracelets.
2. Damage caused by accident, misuse or lack of care. To view our care instructions, click here.
3. Water penetration except in watches marked as “Water Resistant”.

During the period of your guarantee, we will exchange or repair at our discretion, any defective components.

If you wish to enquire about watch servicing, please visit our watch servicing page to find out more about the process and costs.
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How to find the model number of your watch

Every Accurist watch has it's model number on the back of the case. Please refer to picture.


If you wish to make an enquiry or report a fault with your watch, please contact our customer service team by going to our Contact Us page and filling in the form.